
> Array is a memory variable, which can store multiple values in it.

> Array is a collection of values of similar data type.
> An array can be declared as follows

> DataType ArrayName[n]; n - number of elements

                  eg :      int a[5];
                              float salary[500];
                              char name[15];

> Array elements can be accessed by mentioning the corresponding index position.

> Index for any array, starts from 0 and ends with n-1
     For example,
      int a[5];
      Then the five array elements can be refered as
      a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] and a[4].

 > At the time of declaration of an array, we can initialize the array as follows DataType ArrayName[n] = {values,....};

> In this case, there is no need of mentioning number of elements of array i.e. n.

  > If you don't initialize, array elements will have garbage values. For handling array elements, we can frame loops.
> Arrays are of two types
  •  Numerical Array
  •  Character Array